Unlock trust with Verified Transparent Agreements—because clarity is profitable!

Profit from Trust: Verified Transparent Agreements

Desk gossip

Grow relationships and keep them

Why does my organisation need VTA's?


  What are VTA's?
VTA's (Verified Transparent Agreements) are agreements that are throughout entirely transparent and simplified to maximise understanding.


  Earn better trust with your clients
With i agree, you can create a more informed, better environment for clients by using us to clearly explain agreements to minimise contract mis-understandings and legal procedures and costs.


  Conform to regulatory bodies
There has been a large surge of misinformation with contractual terms and an increase of contracts becoming unenforced due to the contract being poorly explained. Be proactive and use i agree.

Online work call

Why haven't I heard of a VTA

Protect yourself and your business with i agree


You won't have heard of VTA's before. That's because we're the only platform that can guarantee it to you.

To give you a better idea of what it means 


  • Verified: A video is produced demonstrating the person’s understanding and their identity. 

  • Transparent: Key terms are highlighted, definitions are explained and questions can be asked

  • Agreement: Both sides mutually agree to the contract
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The i agree method


The i agree method is the only way to guarantee your organisation has VTA's.

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Build better understanding for your clients




Build greater trust with your clientele and your reputation.

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Save money on legal procedures and reduce negotiation timelines.

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